Zodiacal lights


Zodiacal light. Illuminated space dust which is concentrated in the ecliptic layer of our solar system. Every body or planet belonging to our system leaves a little track of material (dirt) while orbiting around the sun. . That means, that zodiacal lights are standing in the same inclination over the horizon like our celestrial equator, depending on your view point on earth. Therefore, in equatorial areas this light pyramids are standing nearly vertical, in Central Europe for example around 35°-50° degrees.

 Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania, June 2004


Exposure time ca.80? sec.

 Bright an clearly you could observe this zodiacal light at the summit of  the volcano Oldoinyo Lengai.

(Position 2,5° South near Equator, zodiacal light is situated nearly vertical)

Volcan Santa Maria de Santiaguito, Guatemala Dez. 2007


Exposure time 100 sec. Wide Angle 10mm, f4, ASA 800 Canon 20D

An intensive and seldom brightness was offered to us at the summit of  the volcano Santa Maria. This space light reached nearly up to the zenith still two hours after sunset. I think this bright type of zodiacal lights are only observable in Europe in very dark areas. Because of the West - evening view there is a lightly left inclination to see.

(Position 15° North to the equator. Zodiacal light inclination from the vertical 15° deg south)

 Stromboli, Sicilia March. 2006

Exposure time ca.70 sec. Wide Angle 17mm, f4, ASA 800 Canon 20D

On hour after sunset this zodiacal light could be seen very clearly . In comparision this light was more inclined that in the equatorial areas. Because of the West - evening view there is a left inclination to see. 

(Position 38° North to the equator. Zodiacal light inclination from the vertical 38° deg to south)

 Arenal, Costa Rica December 2007

Exposure time.90 sec. Wide Angle 10mm, f4, ASA 800 Canon 20D

On the picture above you can discover two bright stripes in the morning sky. The right is the milky way and the left a zodiakal light which appeared two hours before the dawn nearly up to the zenith. Because of the East - morning view there is a right inclination to see. 

(Position 10° North to the equator. Zodiacal light inclination from the vertical 10°deg to south)

Red Sprites 2107 by Th BoeckelRed Sprites 2107 by Th Boeckel

All Red Sprites, auroras, atmosp. phenom.

Red Sprites 2107 by Th Boeckel


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 ©2008 Photos und text by Th. Boeckel (tb) and Martin Rietze (mr), last modification 26.8.2008

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