8" /> Transit of Mercury 2003, Mercury Transit 2003

Mercury transit at the 7th of Mai 2003 

About little and big disks 


The last observation from Central Europe of a full transit was made  in the year 1973. At the 7th of Mai 2003 the perfect weather condition made it  possible to see this astronomical happening from the early morning time up to the end. But during this time I had the strange feeling that a special gang of blood-suckers called moscitos did wait also 30 years for this seldom event at my place.


Mercurys trace und Mercury-disk in comparision with the sun.


The Entrance

                   Merkur Transit 2004 by Boeckel

Left: The first half  of Mercury entered at 7:14 am MESZ     Right: Mercurys tiny  disk entered at 7:16 am completely


Entrance of Mercury

Exit of Mercury


With a diameter of 4878 km Mercury reaches in this seldom conjunction in a distance of nearly 90 million  km his maximum observation size of 12.1" (arcsec). Remember, one degree has 3600 arcsec. "

In comparision: If you regard a one Euro - coin  from a distance of ca. 350 meters you have nearly the aquivalent size. 


Mercury is passing the sun disk

May ask yourself, which picture can bring this over dimensional sun "volcanism" together with the gates of our inner earth.

©2003 by Baader Planetarium 

This fascinating shot is part of a project of the Baader Planetarium. It was taken by Martin Rietze,  M. Riesch and A. Baader  with a  Zeiss APQ 100/600 SolarSpektrum 0.5 A. For more photos and explanations roll down to the astronomie.de link


The drop phenomena


It seems that mercury will not loose himself from the sun edge. May one reason is the sunlight-bending at the planet surface. By forcing up the contrast in this image, it may was possible to show this known phenomene. 





Left: Halftime (ca. 45° moved on  the right side)                 Middle: Exit( ca. 45° moved on  the right side)                   Right exit ( ca. 20° moved on  the right side)

The  point near the center is a sun - spot 

Photos are taken with a Siberia 150mm Newton Reflektor, on Fuji color ASA 400, Bel. 1/500 sec, aquivalent focal distance about 4000mm. Advice: Because of aethetic reasons I deprivated the grey and blue color which is caused by the sun foil.  



Thanks to Hans Kraus and my brother Thilo. They supplied me with food and drinks to avoid a heat delirium  on this moskito hill in Germerswang.

Next mercury transit 2016 !!

Venustansit 2012 by Boeckelsolar eclipse australia 2012

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©2003 photo by baader planetarium,    © 2003 photos by T.Boeckel  last modification 18.5.2003

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